Friday, July 29, 2011

Blessings for the Generations

(Pro 13:22,NLT) Good people leave an inheritance to their grandchildren, but the sinner's wealth passes to the godly.

When u follow the ways of the Lord, He establishes you like a rock and your earnings and other blessings even if they are of little value or of less quantity, still they'll be protected for your generations to enjoy. On the other hand, if you are following the worldly ways, no matter how much more you accumulate, they will not stay with you.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Trouble follows sinners everywhere

(Pro 13:21, GNB) Trouble follows sinners everywhere, but righteous people will be rewarded with good things. 

Many people who followed the evil,corrupt and sinful ways in the past to accumulate wealth, status or higher position of power and authority are dreading in fear today. Don't mistake the current lifestyle of this people as blessings of God.Trouble follows them and they are running from pillar to posts to escape punishments. So, don't follow the ways of the sinful and evil and people. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow those who walk in righteousness. Be clear and sure about ur ways and whom u follow.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Beware of your companions!.

(Pro 13:20,KJV) He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.

Show ur friend, I'll tell who you are is a popular English saying. Friends play a very influential role in our lives. Like a thread that imbibes the aroma of the flower, if you walk with the wise people, you'll also inherit their wisdom. If you are walking with foolish people, you are on your way to destruction. Don't ignore this. Beware of your companions!.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Sweet to the Soul

(Pro 13:19,GW) A fulfilled desire is sweet to the soul,

Waiting so long to see wishes and dreams fulfilled is disgusting and throws dryness into our life. Long wait takes away the motivation and the positive drive to move forward. It is a test for our patience, time of temptation to get into shortcuts and unethical ways. 

When we loose our patience to wait for the answer or solution or a job appointment, we tend to go behind people of influence, try some shortcuts in the bureaucracy willing to bribe for getting the favour etc. This is not right before God. But we become part of this knowingly or unknowingly due to our restlessness and impatience. Though we pray for these needs on a day to day basis, still we are not willing to commit them and our ways fully to God and wait for HIM. 
At the same time, reality of this world is so different. Because of corruption, it is very difficult to get things done without bribing. When we refuse to bribe, we may have to suffer undue delay, injustice and hardship. Yet, we shouldn't forget the fact, that our heavenly father knows about these situations and He is a just Judge. He is All Powerful. Say NO to Corruption. If everybody takes this step, our country can be free from this social menace.

So, Learn to WAIT on the LORD and allow HIM to act. He knows what you need and when to give. He'll be on time always. When He gives, it will be a blessing and will be sweet to your soul.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Don't ignore Discipline

(Pro 13:18,GW) Poverty and shame come to a person who ignores discipline, but whoever pays attention to constructive criticism will be honored.

Discipline is essential for success. Discipline involves painful procedures and perseverance. So don't feel bad or murmur over discipline and corrections. Listen to the constructive comments, take them as stepping stones and apply those corrections in life. Certainly you will climb to greater heights in life.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Are you Trustworthy??

(Pro 13:15,GNB) Intelligence wins respect, but those who can't be trusted are on the road to ruin. 

These days we are witnessing an alarming decrease in ethics and values. Telling a lie or giving an empty promise for the sake of giving without actually meaning the words of assurance is on the rise. People are not willing to trust another like the early days. Wide scale of cheating and corruption is spoiling the peace and harmony in our society. 

But how about you? Are you a trustworthy person? if not, be warned, you are on your way to destruction. Better change now, before it becomes too late. Think well before giving assurances or committing to do/give anything. If you have promised something to others, then you should do all that you can to fulfil that, even if you have to incur a loss.. Words are very important. We are accountable to God for every word we speak..

Friday, July 22, 2011

Teachings of the wise

(Pro 13:14,NIrV) The teaching of wise people is like a fountain that gives life. It turns those who listen to it away from the jaws of death.

Wise people are chosen vessels of God filled with His wisdom and the so their advices are Godly advices.Their teachings are nothing but warnings for us to escape destruction. But do you recognise them as God's blessing and do you listen to their teachings? If you have such people around you, you are blessed indeed.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Obey God's Word.

(Pro 13:13,CEV) If you reject God's teaching, you will pay the price; if you obey His commands, you will be rewarded.

God created this world through His word. It is all powerful, eternal & is true. The secret to success & holiness is in this word only. Do u spend time to read & understand His word? If u love Him u'll obey His words. Change ur priorities in life so that God's word get's the first place. U'll surely reap the reward for this.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Delay & Denial

(Pro 13:12,CEV) Not getting what you want can make you feel sick, but a wish that comes true is a life-giving tree.

Delay in getting what you are expecting for a long time or the very fact of denial can break your heart. All of a sudden you may feel it is meaningless to move further or even to live any more. Are you disappointed and depressed at heart?  Look up to Jesus for your need. Tell Him your desires and wait on HIM. He knows your need and will give it to you on time.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Get-Rich-Quick Schemes...

(Pro 13:11,NLT) Wealth from get-rich-quick schemes quickly disappears; wealth from hard work grows over time.

Get-rich-quick schemes thrive because of the greediness of people to accumulate wealth quickly.These schemes won't have genuine ethics and values. Most of the time, wealth is  gained at the expense of many innocent people's hard earned money and is a curse because of their tears. Run away from this. Instead sincerely work hard. God will approve it.

Monday, July 18, 2011


(Pro 13:10,GW) Arrogance produces only quarreling, but those who take advice gain wisdom.

Don't be arrogant. Arrogance leads to quarreling resulting in conflict, loss of peace, anger, hatred, feeling for vengeance, tension in life etc.. . Are you an arrogant person? If so, You will loose the favour of God and people. You cannot enjoy life. Be humble and pious. Then God will bless you.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Role Model

(Pro 12:26,ESV) One who is righteous is a guide to his neighbour, but the way of the wicked leads them astray.

This world is looking for role models in different fields. As a child of God, you are looked upon by the people of this world as a natural leader and a role model because of JESUS who is in you. How far is this true in your life today? Are you exhibiting the Godly characters in your day to day living for others to follow? Show JESUS the leader through your life.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Don't Worry...

(Pro 12:25,GNT) Worry can rob you of happiness...

Worries kill. It eats away the joy and peace from people's life. It never allows the person to enjoy anything. Are you worried about your past happenings? Past will not come back even if you worry. Situations cannot change for good by worrying.So, don't carry your worries. Instead, surrender them to God and keep moving ahead focusing on what you can. Do your best in all situations. He'll bless ur ways.

Friday, July 8, 2011


(Pro 12:24,HCSB) The diligent hand will rule, but laziness will lead to forced labor.

Work hard. Work smart. God will surely lift you up in life. He don't like to come to the aid of a lazy person. Diligent person will also be sincere in small small responsibilities thereby receiving the reward of being a ruler over many things. If you are sincere and hardworking, you'll be blessed to be a leader and a ruler. If you are lazy, somebody else will be ruling over you.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Don't Show OFF

(Pro 12:23,NLT) The wise don't make a show of their knowledge, but fools broadcast their foolishness.

Empty vessels make more noise goes a popular saying.How about u? Do u have the habit of showing off? Wisdom comes from God.He adds more blessing to those who are humble & to those who glorify Him thru their life.Showing off will give u unwanted popularity resulting in pride & haughtiness, ultimately pushing u from God's favor. Be careful & remain Humble.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Lying Lips

(Pro 12:22,ESV) Lying lips are an abomination to the LORD, but those who act faithfully are His delight.

Do you speak lies? Are you known for twisting words and changing the situations in favor or against as per your wish? People may appreciate you. You might have achieved a lot & may be successful in this world because of this. But still, God doesn't approve your lying lips. Lie is a lie whether it is small or big & God hates it. Repent & Change now. Better late than never

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Protection for the Righteous...

(Pro 12:21,HCSB) No disaster overcomes the righteous, but the wicked are full of misery.

Wicked people's life will look like smooth, pleasant & trouble free with riches and honor. But the fact is, it is full of misery without peace of mind and no blessings from God. Those who are righteous in heart may struggle in day to day life yet they will never be defeated by the disasters or failures. God Himself will fight for them. So, continue to run your race pleasing God alone.

Monday, July 4, 2011


(Pro 12:20,NIrV) There are lies in the hearts of those who plan evil. But there is joy for those who work to bring peace.

Blessed are the peacemakers. Are you known to be a troublemaker or a peacemaker? Be a channel of God's peace to flow into your family, surroundings etc. There is real Joy in it.

Saturday, July 2, 2011


Greetings, in the name of Jesus Christ. I am writing this note to convey thanks to you my friend, partner in this ministry and wellwisher. This Note will also give you a brief update on what has happened in the past and the plans for the future.

BACK TO THE BASE: It is one year since I came back to Chennai from Karunya. God enabled me to re-launch the nets into the deep with more vigor and added focus. Many professional friends are part of our team now. 

LOOKING BACK: My heart is filled with thanks for all the good works happened in our/through our lives in the recent past. God used us in  many discipleship camps, seminars and workshops, career building programs, Sunday services, retreats, open air meetings & church conventions, youth & kids summer camps etc to touch and transform hundreds and hundreds of people - young and old.
        Thank you so much for your supportive prayers, encouragement, introduction and financial contribution towards this mission works. It was very valuable and was a great asset for us..

Please continue to support us as we move forward with new plans from God to reach out the younger generation for Christ. 

REALITIES:-AN EYE OPENER: Our younger generation is moving fast exploring the new technical and economical developments trying to taste everything that is attractive, being easily lead into the deceptions (cunning lies of the devil) thereby getting trapped into the fancies of the worldly myths resulting in;
  • Loss of character, values & ethics,  
  • Addiction & Bondage,  
  • Depression & Dejection,  
  • Relationship entanglements and  
  • Immoral life etc... ending up in suicide.  
  • The lack of knowledge about the realities of life, cross cultural influences towards unacceptable habits due to booming economy, easy availability of unwanted resources has blinded their eyes.  
My heart is very much burdened and bleeds in pain, whenever I think of the young victims of this modern world. These unfortunate developments are happening not only in the urban set-up but also in the rural areas thanks to Media Coverage, TV, Mobile & Internet Revolution. 

The NEED for ministry among these young people is enormous....Against this huge demand we have the biggest challenge - Scarcity of Godly resources (dedicated & burdened men & women) to work / minister among this generation.. 

We don't have sufficient no of GOOD & GODLY MENTORS to listen to the problems of this younger Generation and also to Support & Guide them in the right direction of Life..

SOLUTION: JESUS the only solution” - is all that needs to be given to this modern generation at the earliest before time runs out. This is not possible by one individual or a small group. THE CHURCH should be awakened from its slumber to fulfill this responsibility of reaching our upcoming generation for ChristMotivate, Energize and Equip every believer to take up this responsibility, is the crux of the great commission of Jesus Christ.


As a team of professionals with the God given vision of “TOUCHING LIVES!..WINNING SOULS!.". We have started working with this  Target group through a new plan from GOD called 
"YES" (Youth Empowerment to Serve).

This involves three stages.


          Challenge, Identify & Equip Godly men & women as MENTORS in CHRIST. We target;
  • Teachers
  • Lecturers
  • Pastor's wives
  • Sunday School Teachers
  • Youth Coordinators &
  • Any other believers with leadership capabilities

Our target is to equip at least 2000 Mentors before December 2011

For this we have developed a 2 hrs program called "STEPPING STONE"

                         This is an interactive, challenging program and will open the eyes of the participants into the realities of today's problem our young people are going through. Will surely challenge them to step in to the gap of fulfilling God's mandate to work among our current and upcoming generation


3. REACHING OUT to the other Non- believing crowd.
  • Students, 
  • Job seekers,
  • Newly joined in work &
  • Recently married

Target areas of Ministry: (rural & urban) 
  1. Educational Institutions,
  2. Open market,
  3. Companies,
  4. Churches etc..

Ministry Channels:
  1. Character Building Workshops,
  2. Bible Study & Prayer Groups,
  3. Children’s Ministry,
  4. Leadership Camps,
  5. Church Planting Trainings,
  6. Discipleship Workshops & Seminars,
  7. Internet & TV programs,
  8. Personal Evangelism & Counselling,
  9. SMS Ministry,
  10. Widows Welfare,
  11. Livelihood Trainings,
  12. Mission Exposure Trips 
  13. Hope & Help (Charity)  etc..

OUR MISSION STRUCTURE: To facilitate God’s Kingdom building work in the best possible way, THE HOPE MISSION will be having the following structure (we have organised four groups) in place for Better, Efficient, Accountable & Transparent (BEAT) mission work following the 3Ps (Praying, Planning & Partnering) model.

Group of like-minded youngsters with similar vision under my mentoring care to meet as often as possible and work together.

Senior people with rich ministry experiences & people of credibility in the society but with similar vision for God’s kingdom building purpose.

Full timers in the mission, responsible for implementing the plans, strategies and working in the deep.

Back up team for us. A wide network who will also own this mission as theirs by;
  1. Praying,
  2. Supporting Financially
  3. Representing the mission in their locality
  4. Organizing programs & By being Resource person etc..

I am sure the above mentioned things must have brought in lot of clarity in you about what we do here based in Chennai and what the needs are..

●     Sending the Thought for the day/word of God by text (sms) & email under the name “WORD4ALL” at 5.15 am daily.
●     Uploading videos, songs, messages and writing blogs in the Internet through:
○     Facebook(
○     Youtube(,
○     Blogspot( etc..

●     Working on to create specific channels targeting the needs of the younger generation like “relationship”, “career guidance”, “character building” etc..through a web portal (under development now).






Mission work is a great and intense spiritual war we wage against the kingdom of darkness to liberate the people from the clutches of devil. Prayer is the backbone for this. Your greatest help will be to pray for the missions.
Apart from prayer, you can also support us financially by any of the following two ways;
  1. Sending DD/Cheque in favour of "THE HOPE" and send to our communication address.
  2. You can also do Online/Inter bank Fund Transfer to the following account.

A/c Name         : THE HOPE,
A/c No             : 332902010046765
IFSC CODE       : UBIN0533297

Note: When you do an online transfer, kindly mention your name in the remarks column or please send an email to us. It'll help us in accounting and to confirm receipt. 


Reach us by email at:

Reach us by Phone / SMS at +91 9840996244 or 044 42834464

For your subscription & prayer requests, testimonies/feedbacks/comments etc. by SMS +919500154941 

Reach us through Snail Mail / Courier / Personal Visit at


Watch out for our new WEBSITE to be launched soon

Looking forward to hear from you..