Friday, January 18, 2013


(Psa 68:6) God places lonely people in families. He leads prisoners out of prison into productive lives, but rebellious people must live in an unproductive land.

Are you lonely or feeling lonely in-spite of having family and friends around? Do you feel that no one cares for you and you are no longer important to anybody? Are you struggling with die-hard habits which have tied you down into an unproductive life? 

If you are not able to move forward in life, make new friends and progress higher because of your shyness or inferior complex that bogs you down, you are a prisoner to self pity or complex feelings. As long as you are bonded to any habit or people or situation that takes the priority in life you can never be productive and will never have the real joy and happiness that is a by-product of real freedom in Christ.

Are you doing justice to the skills, talents, time, resources and other facilities you are blessed with? OR is there anything (habit, lifestyle, people, and situations) that is stealing away the best of your performance, productivity or peace? Come back to God. Surrender your life totally to Him. He will deliver you from the prison like situation into a productive life for Him. We are in the last days. God needs you for His purpose.

Don't be worried about your past. Give everything into the hands of God. He shall reshape and restore your lost glory and renew your strength in HIM. You shall be a success and a blessing.

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