Saturday, January 7, 2012

Following Christ.

(Psa 25:3) No one who trusts in You will ever be disgraced, but disgrace comes to those who try to deceive others.

Many a times, people think that only the weak and sick or the oppressed will have to go to God. Few others feel, trusting God or following His ways is out of fashion, it is only for old people or olden days.

God's ways may not be flashy or attractive. Following Christ is a sacrificial life and we cannot please everyone. Christian life is a disciplined life. But the fact is, even though it looks tough, the end is glorious. Anyone who trusts in the LORD will never be put to shame. They'll never be ashamed or disgraced.

On the other hand, people who live a carefree life without any biblical base, ethics and values, may flourish on the outside, they may feel like their life is set and strong. Telling lies, deceiving others to move on may be part of their regular lifestyle. But the end will be painful.

The Choice is yours.
Whether you want to trust God and follow His ways or do you want to trust in the worldly ways and live accordingly.

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