Thursday, April 19, 2012


(Psa 36:9) For You are the fountain of life, the light by which we see.

JESUS said "I am the life and resurrection". When we do wrong, when we sin against God, we lose His presence. Living in that state leads to spiritual dryness and eventually spiritual death. We may be normal, active and even very successful in our worldly life. But, deep inside, there will be emptiness. Even the purpose of being a child of God is lost and we will be living a machine like dead routine life.

Are you going through this kind of spiritual dryness? Are you dead inside but smiling and laughing outside? Are you living a life of guilt because of your past sinful life? Are you getting crushed by the thoughts of your past mistakes? Your secret sins can ruin your future if you don't come out of it immediately.

With no avenues to share, nobody to understand, are you keeping those painful moments within yourself? Are you struggling to come out of it with repeat attempts and equally failed in your tries? You might have taken so many resolutions not to repeat that the next time, but miserably failed when you went through that situation. Is this your condition?
Don't worry my friend. JESUS is capable and is willing to help you. He alone is powerful to bring in the transformation into your inner self. Seek Him. Humble yourself and ask for His grace. He is the fountain of Life. He can revive you and make you victorious again. Your past will no more trouble you and you can have a real smile looking into the future.  

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