Friday, May 4, 2012


(Psa 37:8 ) Stop being angry! Turn from your rage! Do not lose your temper; it only leads to harm.

We all get angry with  ourselves, when we fail to do what we are supposed to do, with others over their mistakes or when they irritate us or when they work against us.

Anger is an emotion which is both good and bad based on the situation. Getting angry is good to correct the mistakes by rebuking. But it is not meant to be carry forward, which will eventually turn into rage and subsequently push us into a state of losing our temper and self control.

This will lead us into unwanted harmful situations, hurt feelings and revenge. God says, leave the anger. Come out of it. Settle the issues by the end of the day before going to bed. Don't give room for the devil to work on it by creating enmity and to destroy peace.

The best way to overcome this problem is to be patient and forgiving, not to take the mistakes of others into your heart. Be cool-headed by allowing the Holy Spirit to handl

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