Monday, September 10, 2012


(Psa 56:4) I praise God for what He has promised. I trust in God, so why should I be afraid?

Are you afraid about your future? Are you worried about how you will manage your life, family or job? Worries will kill your well being silently. It brings anxiety, disturbs your peace, adds stress and strain, change your blood pressure levels leading to various diseases.
How do we handle these situations? Worries will add nothing good to your life. Instead increase your dependency on God and trust Him more. Remember and recollect all the promises of God concerning your future. Count the blessings of God you had enjoyed so far. They will certainly improve your confidence and faith. It will remove your fear.

Start praising God for all that He has promised. Praises will bring more of His grace into your life. It will enable you to enjoy His presence. You shall not fear any evil. God will fight the battles for you and you shall be victorious.

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