Thursday, October 18, 2012


(Psa 63:7) You have been my help. In the shadow of Your wings, I sing joyfully.

Singing praises comes out of a free mind. When you are filled with Joy, when you are happy, when you are free from worries, when you are sure that all things are taken care, when there's somebody to manage everything for you and you are given the freedom to enjoy life, your minds starts singing on its own.

But is it possible in our life? Can that be a reality in this busy world? ACTUALLY YES!. It is possible. That's what the Word of God says. Cast all your worries unto the Lord for He cares for you. But unfortunately, we are very weak in faith and we don't or we are not willing to trust Him fully. We are always anxious and tensed.

Try to be free and joyful by casting all your worries unto Jesus. The Lord is our help. He will counsel us, guide us in every step, lead us and will also coordinate things for us. All that we need to do is follow His instructions faithfully. Take some time to be with the Lord every day. Are you ready for this?

Then you can sing joyfully in the shadow of His wings because He will be covering you with His wings and shall protect you and provide you with all that you need.

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