Friday, November 9, 2012


(Psa 66:9) He has kept us alive and has not allowed us to fall.

We are alive and well just because of His mercy and grace. If at all we are still going on in life, is because of His grace alone. It is His hand that is constantly protecting us and providing us to meet our needs.

Things may not be happening as per our wish. But certainly things are going on as per His will. So be assured that God is in control. Whatever has happened in life has happened only with the knowledge of your Father in Heaven.

So don't lose heart and get depressed because of the defeats and failures. Every failure should be a stepping stone to success. Take the positive things and the lessons learned to move forward.  Life is too short for us to waste it, pondering over the failures. Rather we should learn to leave defeats behind and move forward to achieve great things for God.

Be sure that the Lord is with you and will continue to lift you up. He has kept you for His purpose and be focused to fulfill it.  

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