Tuesday, April 9, 2013


(Psa 69:20) Insults have broken my heart, and I am in despair. I waited for sympathy, but there was none; for comforters, but found no one.

Dear friend,

The world and the people are not good all the time and neither are we. We all go through bad times. We are known for mood swings and fluctuations of temper and are hardly stable in critical times. Yet, when we are hurt by others, we cry foul over the whole world. We jump up and down making a huge noise pointing fingers at others. We can hardly stand injustice but seldom realize how many times we were unjust even to our near and dear ones.
God allows pain and painful moments in our life to break us down so that He can build us in a much better way as well as to make us realize how others would have felt through our own negative and scornful reactions and response to them.

There is a popular saying in Tamil, we can understand the intensity of others headache and toothache, only if we experience it.

What sort of a situation are you going through now? Are you broken and in despair, desperate to come out of your trouble and searching for someone to comfort? Just take a moment to think of others who are going through similar situations. Think about the dear ones, your sweet hearts and beloved ones on the numerous occasions you brought pain into their life. Pray for them. Try to heal their wounds and hurt feelings by taking some remedial action. Forgive others who are scornful to you.

Job prayed to God for his friends’ deliverance before getting delivered. Comfort others and be comforted. Give and it shall be given unto you. Don't be too self cantered or selfish in life. Think about others. You will see the hand of God working for you.