Tuesday, August 27, 2013


For what credit is there if you endure the beatings you deserve for having done wrong? 
But if you endure suffering even when you have done right, God will bless you for it. It was to this that God called you, for Christ Himself suffered for you and left you an example, so that you would follow in His steps. 
(1 Peter 2:20, 21 GNT)

When you try to live in the ways of The Lord, focussing on how to please God, you will surely come across people who differ with you in ways, thoughts and deeds. 

These conflicts or disagreements can grow into enmity because of ego, further developing into undue hardship, non cooperation, slander, abuse, false accusations, character assassination etc..

What is the way out?

As God's children, 

1. Remain firm in your faith. Don't compromise with the truth.
2. Endure suffering for the sake of Christ without retaliating. God will soon open their eyes to see and realise the good work in you.
3. Try to be in peace with all. Forgive them for the harm they did to you. Don't develop hatred towards them. Most of the times, they oppose you because of their ignorance.
4. Pray for them regularly and intercede that God may open their eyes of understanding
5. Continue to do good, fulfilling your God given purpose, running the race with faith. 
6. Don't give up. Things/Situations/People will surely change for good.

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