* Don't worry about anything, but in all your prayers
* ask God for what you need,
* always asking Him with a thankful heart.(Phil 4:6 GNT)
@ 'Worry' is a powerful weapon devil uses to demoralize the people.
@ Worry brings fear and destroys the inner peace.
@ Worry suffocates the individual from having faith in Christ
@ Worry paralyses people from doing anything positive in life and even curtails growth and stability.
@ Worry blinds the people from seeing the blessings in life and prevents them from enjoying even the blessings at hand.
% Are you worried about your future?
Simple steps to come out of worrying
% Count your blessings and list them down.
% Recollect the cherished moments of your past.
% Start thanking God for all those blessings.
% Remember that He who could protect and provide for you in the past can continue to do the same for your future.
% Surrender all worries unto the Lord and start thanking Him for your future.
% Read the Scriptures (Bible) more so that your faith will increase and His peace will fill you.
% Speak to yourself and against the 'worry' factor to leave you.
% Keep reminding yourself that God is in control of your future and He will give the best in the right time. Never doubt again.
% Rejoice over His presence, protection and provision.