Monday, August 23, 2010

Restore: From Ruins

(Amos 9:11,NIV) In that day I will restore David's fallen tent. I will repair its broken places, restore its ruins, and build it as it used to be.

Dear Friend,

How is your inner man and the spiritual journey in Christ?
  • Is it intact with Christ or like a broken chain?
  • Is it like a fallen tent? Or a broken bridge?
  • Is it ruined, deserted and in shambles?
  • R u finding it difficult to put them back on track?
Fallen Tent:
  • Tent gives shade and shelter. A place for cover and protection.
  • It stood majestically till the weather turned rough..strong wind blowing it away..
  • Not of use to anyone including the owner..
  • Poised for decay or has to be dumped in the waste yard..

Is your life similar to the fallen tent?.
  • Were you also a channel of blessing to many..
  • Touching lives, caring, sheltering,
  • Protecting the weak, providing for the needy..and so on..
  • Crying in agony today, dumped by others because you are no longer the same..
  • Not a blessing to others anymore..
  • Couldn't withstand the pressures of life and now fallen to the ground bleeding, fighting for survival, searching for a helping hand..

Broken bridge:

You were...
  • A channel showing people the way to Jesus,
  • Providing a safe journey from darkness to light,
  • Turmoil to peace and so on..
  • A trusted ally to many, helping many people to rewrite their history from failure to success..
But now..
You are...

  • Like a torn paper good for nothing..?
  • Totally deserted, wanted no more by anyone..?
  • Broken & ruined no longer connected to the throne of God..?
  • Frustrated over your own life of failure & chaos, looking for a way out of the mess..?
  • Feeling that you are a symbol of failure and waiting to end your life?
All that you could see is the messed up memories of the past and
Shambled remains testifying your failures in life?

All your repeated efforts to put your broken life back on track ended up in worsening the situation further?

Don't worry.. YOU STILL HAVE HOPE..
  • As long as you rely on your own strength you will end up in failure only..
  • TURN TO JESUS the only HOPE for mankind..
  • Give HIM the total control over your life.
  • Submit & Surrender to HIS ways.
He is loving & understanding. #
He will not reject you. #
He will not let you down. #
He is ever willing to restore you. #

He will
  • Repair the broken links,
  • Cleanse the repulsive remains of your past,
  • Heal the wounds,
  • Wipe away your tears..

Get washed by His Blood confessing & asking forgiveness
for all your past mistakes (small or big)
Don't allow GUILT to take over..
Let JESUS be your KING & MASTER..

Your sorrow shall turn into JOY. You'll be restored back to ur former glorious & victorious life, walking with JESUS again, day after day till you reach ashore to be with HIM forever..


Do u need to share ur sorrows, problems?
Need to confide with someone who will understand you to encourage and motivate you?
Please feel free to be in touch with us by email (
mobile/sms (+919840996244)



  2. thank you anna for the word was very encouraging....

  3. Thank u anna. Was feeling guilty 4 past few days now I ve hope to overcome it. Hallelujah

  4. How true anna... JESUS is our one and only hope. He is the only one who can bring beauty out of the ashes of our past. This blog has indeed been a great blessing to me... God bless u anna..
