Monday, August 16, 2010

Restore the JOY

(Lam 5:21)Restore us,O LORD & bring us back to You again! Give us back the joys we once had (Slipped back & Lost ur first Love for God,Secret/petty sins blocking ur Joy in Christ,struggling to find ur inner peace,feeling left alone.Is this ur condition? Don't give up.Surrender with a broken heart.He'll restore you.

The Joy of Salvation can never be fully explained by words. Whenever the personal/intimate relationship with Jesus Christ our Saviour gets tampered, the first casualty is this JOY..SIN separates Man from God pushing him to compromise on his First Love for Jesus.. The Only remedy is to come with a broken heart realising this gap, crying out to Jesus for restoration. The Good news is "He is ready to restore you."

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