Friday, May 6, 2011

Don't talk too much...

(Pro 10:19,GNB) The more u talk, the more likely u are to sin.If u are wise, u will keep quiet. 

Don't be too talkative. Anything beyond a limit is dangerous. Even honey can turn out  to be poison, if it is consumed beyond the required quantity. 
  1. When we talk more, we tend to gossip leading to troubles, fights and relationship problems. Too much of talking can end up in putting down others or slandering which is a sin. 
  2. Too much talking will also result in loss of concentration and low efficiency of ur work. U may miss out on prioritizing the right things. These things will certainly affect the career growth, success and blessings. You cannot serve two masters
  3. People who talk much can never keep secrets. They don't have control over their tongue and can never be used effectively by God.  

Even a fool is considered wise if he keeps quiet. Wise people will be more focussed on the job and will be least interested in empty words or unwanted talking. Talk less. Be wise. Work more. 
Be careful with ur words.


  1. This reminds me of what one pastor said that, Christians who are talkative are like fish in the frying pan. It's noisy when not yet cook. :)
