Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Lazy person

(Pro 10:26,GNB) Never get a lazy person to do something for u; he will be as irritating as vinegar on your teeth or smoke in your eyes.

(We are living in a dependent society where we work for somebody and other work for us.When this chain of action gets disturbed anywhere it creates lot of turmoil. People who are lazy and careless will create this turmoil.So be careful not to be lazy in finishing the work as well as not to delegate work to a lazy person.)

1 comment:

  1. As for me, your last statement should be situational. If the work needs urgent attention, even I won't delegate it to a lazy person.

    For one to delegate something, he/she is a leader. To be a good leader, one should know how to delegate and not to miss the point - to make a positive change not only for the employer's benefit but MOST IMPORTANT is to the employees, that one can raise also another leader out of them.

    Also, I believe, all things are possible. There are so many Biblical characters, one is called Mary who was possessed by many demons, and was delivered and used for God's glory. Same with a lazy person, for Jesus died for all, and a spirit of laziness is what possess this kind of person.

    I believe that every person that God surrounds us has a purpose. Why not perceiving a lazy person as a challenge for us and will open opportunity for us to be a blessing, to extend kindness (not to despise or condemn them cuz we know that the worst thing to do is to do nothing; and if we will not believe in them, who else, we Christians or the pharasees)and opportunity to contribute/make a change in once life.

    We should perceive lazy people to be an assignment from God to us. In the first place, we create what we believe. Is believing that a certain lazy person will still change or be enlightened impossible? If no one would encourage and motivate the lazy person, who will? Those lazy person needs our prayer.
