Monday, June 13, 2011


(Pro 11:25,GNB) Be generous, and you will be prosperous. Help others, and you will be helped.

What you sow is what you'll reap.If you are generous and kind to others, you shall be shown kindness.If you help others in need, you too will be helped in your times of need.

Give and it shall be given unto you. Be open and sow the seeds of your good deeds by helping others and give your best without expecting anything in return. When you are generous you will more friends and well wishers. You shall be a motivating force and a guiding light to others. Every act of generosity and help you do is a seed of blessing you sow for your future and it shall come back to you in multiple measures making you prosperous.

He who watches over you will never let you down and shall meet all your needs on time. He who is faithful to be a blessing in little things will be blessed and shall be lifted up to be a blessing in a bigger way. 

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