Thursday, December 15, 2011

Are you willing to trust HIM?

(Psa 22:4) Our ancestors trusted in You, and You rescued them.

For  generations, right from Abraham to Isaac and down the line, whenever the people trusted God fully for their needs, big or small, casual or urgent, God rescued them faithfully. He was always prompt in keeping up His promises and He was always on time. 

He is the same God yesterday,today and forever. He changeth not. He is the Omnipotent (All Powerful), Omnipresent (Present Everywhere) & Omniscient (Knows Everything) God. Nothing is hidden to Him. Nothing is impossible for Him. Distance is never an issue for Him.

But He comes to the rescue of only those who trust Him fully without any doubt. No matter how complicated your problems are, if and only if you can surrender and commit those areas into the hands of God completely, He will come to your rescue. He shall deliver you from your problems. He shall restore all that you had lost to the devil and to the evil snares of the enemy. 

Situations may look very grave. Things may not look favorable for you. But still trust GOD. He can change the tide in your favour. He will make those who stand against you to come by your side. He will fight the battle for you and you shall taste the victory. BUT,

Are you willing to trust HIM?

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