Friday, December 2, 2011

Witness to Wisdom

(Psa 19:7b) The witness of the Lord is certain,giving wisdom to the foolish.‬

                                    The Lord Himself testifies about His son. Yes, God's word is the most reliable witness about our Lord Jesus Christ. His words are Yes and Amen. These words are the real source of wisdom and understanding. Anyone who believes this will obviously spend more time with it. 
                                    The more we read it, the better our understanding will be about our Creator. God will open our spiritual eyes to see and experience the truth. The truth will deliver the person from the clutches of darkness and the lies of the devil. Even if a person is considered a fool according to worldly standards, God will transform him to be wise. 

Enjoy your life by spending more time with the word. Encourage others also to do it.   

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