Saturday, March 31, 2012


(Psa 34:10) Even strong young lions sometimes go hungry, but those who trust in the LORD will lack no good thing.

God 's grace and mercy are boundless. He cares for His children more than anybody else. He never misses to give what we need and His blessings are always good and best. He is always on time. All that matters is TRUST.

Yes! Trusting God is the key to receive the goodness of God in our life. When we trust Him, we'll be bold enough to surrender our life to Him and sure enough to believe in His provisions. We will not be wavery in our faith and will have the patience to wait for His time. Without faith no one can please God.

Our trust prompts God to act on time. Our trust draws the attention of God on our life. Enjoy God's goodness in abundance all through your life by trusting Him like a child at all times.

Friday, March 30, 2012


(Psa 34:9)Fear the LORD, you His godly people, for those who fear Him will have all they need.

You may want hundred and one things in life. But God promises to provide you all that you need in life. We are greedy and not satisfied with the current life, most of the time. It is not wrong to desire for better.

But as a Heavenly Father, who knows your future, He is surely aware of what is best for you and what you need including the time and quantity. So don't break your head. Don't worry unnecessarily. Don't waste your time on endless planning sessions. Leave it to God. Cheer up. God is your ultimate resource. You will never lack what you need in life. It will surely come into your life on time. He is always on time.


(Psa 34:8) Taste and see that the LORD is good.

Enjoying God's love is not for a day. It's a lifelong blessing both in good and bad times. The value of the shadow is best realized only when you walk in the sun. Likewise, only when we walk through the troubled times and desperate situations, we will know the value of God's love and care. 

So don't despise it. Don't ignore God when you are sailing smoothly. Remember to have a closer walk with HIm at all times. Love Him more. Enjoy His love more than ever and Taste it daily.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


(Psa 34:7) The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear Him and delivers them.

You are not alone. God's angel encamps around you to be with you and to protect you. Fear not. You have the divine protection of God. Whenever you feel alone, remind yourself that God's presence is with you and He has put His angel charge over you.

They will carry you through. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you. Be bold and strong. He will surely deliver you from your problems.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


(Psa 34:6) In my desperation I prayed, and the LORD listened; He saved me from all my troubles

Christian life is not a bed of roses. It is walking through ups and downs, mountains and valleys, smooth and stony roads, trials and temptations etc. Quiet often you may find yourself in desperate moments, puzzled at the magnitude of the problems and wondering what to do next? 

Humanly we'll seek the help of a neighbor, a colleague, someone known to us or anyone whom we  may think capable of helping us. But do you realize that JESUS is more closer to you than anybody else and more stronger and capable of solving your miseries.

YES! He is all powerful. Before seeking the worldly help, call on JESUS first. He will not let you down. He will make ways for you. He will move the mountains and shall provide water in the wilderness. Even when the whole situation looks bleak and troubled, yet God can make a way and shall deliver you from your problems. He shall turn the situations upside down and bring peace within the walls of your life. Don't loose Hope. He is with you and is willing to help you all the time. 

 (Psa 34:5) Those who look to Him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces.

Trust JESUS. You will not be ashamed.

Saturday, March 24, 2012


(Psa 34:3) Come, let us tell of the LORD's greatness; let us exalt His name together.

JESUS is the name that was made above all other names by GOD the Father in response to the obedience of JESUS CHRIST till the point of death. He was faithful in fulfilling the purpose of His visit to this world and remained obedient inspite of all the difficult situations.

The name JESUS is not only a symbol of love and hope, but also a symbol of obedience and sacrifice. We are all privileged and blessed to be called under this name. YES! We are called as HIS children. What a great joy!. Let us celebrate His greatness, His love, His sacrifice and His obedience. Let us exalt HIS name higher and higher. Let us live as testimonies for His great qualities and glorify His name.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


(Psa 34:2) My soul will boast about the LORD. 

We are known for spreading the popularity of worldly leaders, big enterprises, famous brands and places. When we are impressed with the new gadget that we bought or when we are satisfied with the shopping experience in a big mall or place of stay or when we are energised by a wordly leader, we keep on talking about them to others. We boast about the greatness of that person or place or entity free of cost. It is a free advertisement and brand promotion we do.

But when it comes to speaking about JESUS, most of us or most of the time we all shun away or slip off or avoid talking. We feel either the topic 'JESUS' is not relevant to the crowd or we are afraid of getting cornered when we talk about JESUS. What a sad part of our life!

If only you realise the value of the greatest sacrifice anyone can do i.e THE SACRIFICE of JESUS, if only you realise what a great gift JESUS gave in your life by accepting you as HIS child, you will not feel shy to talk about HIM.

Only because of JESUS, you have a hope for eternity today. Do you know how precious this gift of salvation and the eligibility to heaven is? If so, don't stop. Keep on talking about JESUS to as many people as possible. Boast about the LORD to others. He alone is worthy!..WILL YOU?

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


(Psa 34:1) I will praise the LORD at all times. I will constantly speak His praises.

If you are a child of God and if you love Him then, you should remember all that happens in your life is for a reason and happens with the knowledge of God. Whether it is success or a failure, all such things happen for your own good.

So, learn to praise Him at all times like the psalmist. Praising God will bring down the power of God into your life. Praises to God will refresh you even in your troubled times.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


(Psa 33:18) Behold, the eye of the LORD is on those who fear Him.

Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. If we fear Him, we will leave our sinful ways and start following His path of righteousness. Do you fear Him?

The answer can be found by analyzing how you live. Whether you are God conscious or self conscious all the time? If you are God conscious, you will have JESUS above your selfish ambitions and desires. You will consciously and carefully take sincere efforts to live a God pleasing life. Your thoughts and deeds will match together and will be aligned with the will of God.

If you fear Him, you can be rest assured that GOD's eyes are on you to watch your ways, to guide you, to provide for you and to protect you. Make God the first in your life by fearing Him more than other people and the world.

Monday, March 19, 2012


(Psa 33:17) Don't count on your warhorse to give you victory - for all its 
strength, it cannot save you.

Horses may be powerful, attractive good looking and influential. It may be fast and smooth in taking us from one place to another and also helps the soldier to run through the enemies. But still, it has got its own limitations.

Which is your horse today? Is it education, skill set, knowledge, wealth, influential statuspower, authority, people etc.. Is these your war horses to achieve victory and success in life? Are you riding on these horses to accomplish your worldly ambitions and dreams?

It is good to have ambitions and pursue after it. But the point is, you can never trust them to reach your dreams. All these horses are prone to fail at critical times and many a times leading you into a trap even to the point of death. So be careful not to put your trust on them. 

Your trust should always be on JESUS who is your creator. It is He who can bless these horses to make you successful. He controls all these horses or situations. He is the ultimate source. So always look upto Him for help. HE WILL NEVER FAIL.

Saturday, March 17, 2012


(Psa 33:15) The One who formed their hearts understands everything they do.

Are you going through difficult situations because of misunderstandings? It is there at every level of life. Many a times we are caught off guard with this kind of problem and specially involving our dear ones? Thick friends part because of misunderstandings over trivial issues. Misunderstandings leads to confusions. Are you a victim of this 'missed understanding'?

Don't feel bad. Even Jesus was misunderstood by the religious leaders many times. Yet He didn't quit. He boldly moved forward to accomplish His goal.Today He is alive and is with you. Don't feel intimidated. Lift your head high and continue to live boldly. Others may not understand your words and feelings. But God understands you. What more do you need?

You have a long way to go and lots more to achieve.

Thursday, March 15, 2012


(Psa 33:14) From His throne He observes all who live on the earth. 

Beware. God is watching you, your thoughts and deeds. You may have secrets from people of this world, but certainly not from God. You cannot hide anything from Him. He is all powerful and is present everywhere. He even knows your thoughts.

Man looks at the face. But, God looks into your heart. You may give hundred reasons to justify your intentional mistakes and evil plans. But God knows the truth. Be conscious of this all the time. Let this generate the fear for God in you and let it be a guiding force for you to live a life of Holiness.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


(Psa 33:11) The LORD's plan stands firm forever. His thoughts stand firm in every generation.

God is the creator of this whole universe and He has planned every event of the future. He knows everything. When you are stuck in life, don't run to man for ideas. Seek guidance from God. He is the only One who can guide you in the right way.

There is limitation in man's knowledge and far sight. If you run behind man seeking guidance, you may end up in turmoil and loss. But, If you are willing to trust Him and follow His guidance, your ways will be as firm as a rock. You will never be shaken.

Awesome God

 (Psa 33:8) Let the whole world fear the LORD, and let everyone stand in awe of Him.

GOD is awesome and gracious.Don't take His love for granted.FEAR GOD.

Monday, March 12, 2012

(Psa 33:5) The LORD loves righteousness and justice.

Are you righteous and just in your thoughts,words and deeds? Be right with God to be righteous in this world.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Word of the Lord

(Psa 33:2) The word of the LORD is correct and everything He does is trustworthy.

Only God is dependable and trustworthy in all situations. Man may fail, but not God. His promises are true and ever reliable. Earth and skies may pass away; but not His word. His word is the truth. He created the whole world by His word.

This powerful word become flesh in this world and that was JESUS. That word is in our hands and is in different forms called "THE BIBLE". Do u realise this? Solution for every problem of yours can be found in the BIBLE. if only you decide to give time to seek, read and meditate His word, your life will never go astray. Obey His words and follow Him. Honor His word, you will be honored.

Friday, March 9, 2012


 (Psa 33:2) Give thanks to the LORD with the lyre; Sing praises to Him with a harp of ten strings.

Our God is a great God and He alone is worthy of our praises. Look around to see the marvelous creation of God. Turn back and count the numerous blessings of God in your life. Simply amazing! Isn't your heart filled with praises for Him?

Are you still feeling shy to talk about the greatness of this God? When we don't feel bad or shy to talk about the numerous advertisements, products available in the market and our shopping experience to others, why is that we are trying to hide the goodness of God in our Life? 

Thank Him with a loud noise. Proclaim His greatness to this world with instruments and singing. May His name be lifted up and be glorified through you.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

(Psa 32:10) Heartaches await wicked people,but mercy surrounds those who trust the LORD.                                                        

Keep trusting the Lord. His mercy is matchless and is around you.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


(Psa 32:9) Don't be stubborn like a horse or mule. [They need] a bit and bridle in their mouth to restrain them, or they will not come near you.

Are you stubborn and hardhearted? IF so, it will make you insensitive to the gentle words of the Holy Spirit. God expects us to be gentle and submissive to Him, so that He can teach us and guide us through safe and secure paths of life.

If we don't change from our hard natures, God will be left with no other choice other than using bit and bridle to tame us. Bit and bridle relates to tough situations, hardships, failures and confusions etc.. The choice is yours.

He has given us the spirit of Love to be gentle and obedient to Him. Are you?

Saturday, March 3, 2012


(Psa 32:8) The LORD says, "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you."

Are you troubled and confused not knowing how to proceed further? Are you scared about your future? Are you starring at the complex situations and problems you are undergoing through? Are you in need of a guide and a friend who knows about you and who can guide you in each and every step of your life? Are you in a strange land and worried with thoughts about how you are going to survive?

Don't worry. JESUS is the answer for your situations. No matter how complex and confused you are, He can deliver you and shall put you on the right path. He will be your guide and will watch over you in every step of your life. So be bold. Face your life with confidence. People may fail you. Friends may forsake you. But JESUS will never let you down. He is trustworthy and all powerful to carry you through.

Cheer up. He loves you and will be with you.

Friday, March 2, 2012


(Psa 32:6) Let everyone who is godly pray to You in a time when You may be found.

The days are becoming evil and will become worse in the days to come. But still, these are days of Grace where anyone who wants to find a solace in the Lord can come to Him freely. Before time runs out, even when His grace is still flowing over us, let us not remain as mute spectators with hundreds of pondering questions over the silent transformations happening across the world.

Don't ever doubt the grace of God and His life changing power exhibited in this world through the Holy Spirit. Some might have faltered or many might have taken the grace of God for granted and are living in their own world centered around their personal desires and dreams. They may not be God conscious.

But, here is a call to you!... Come and explore the greatness of God and His life changing power. Seek Him now daily and get strengthened in Him. Nurture a closer walk with Him and build an intimate relationship with Him. Don't leave God from the first place in your life. Seek Him diligently so that you may find Him. Seek Him now, before time runs out..

Thursday, March 1, 2012


(Psa 32:5) Finally, I confessed all my sins to You and stopped trying to hide my guilt. I said to myself, “I will confess my rebellion to the LORD.” And You forgave me! All my guilt is gone.

Many a times we try to hide our guilt feelings before others as well as God. Hiding your guilt is not at all a remedy from the nagging peace-less mind and a troubled heart. Giving a big smile outside will never take your guilt out and will never bring back the lost peace and joy. Dressing up neatly and going for parties and functions, socializing with peers and getting yourself entertained with friends or anything of this world is not going to relieve you from your guilt. 

Are you trying to run away from your Saviour because of guilt due to your repeat failures and mistakes? Are you falling into the same sin again and again inspite of your promise to God to stay away from it? Are you feeling bad to face Him again? Don't worry. You still have a chance to reconcile with Him. He is a loving Father who can understand your situations and your weakness. He is willing to forgive you and to help you come out of it, if only you are ready to be open, frank and willing to depend on HIs grace. Without His grace and strength, you can never overcome temptations.

Yes!. There is only one way. That is coming back to Jesus. Confess your sins again, get His forgiveness and stay away from the guilt. He is willing and ready to forgive you. Are you ready to come to Him?