Saturday, March 3, 2012


(Psa 32:8) The LORD says, "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you."

Are you troubled and confused not knowing how to proceed further? Are you scared about your future? Are you starring at the complex situations and problems you are undergoing through? Are you in need of a guide and a friend who knows about you and who can guide you in each and every step of your life? Are you in a strange land and worried with thoughts about how you are going to survive?

Don't worry. JESUS is the answer for your situations. No matter how complex and confused you are, He can deliver you and shall put you on the right path. He will be your guide and will watch over you in every step of your life. So be bold. Face your life with confidence. People may fail you. Friends may forsake you. But JESUS will never let you down. He is trustworthy and all powerful to carry you through.

Cheer up. He loves you and will be with you.

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