Tuesday, March 20, 2012


(Psa 33:18) Behold, the eye of the LORD is on those who fear Him.

Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. If we fear Him, we will leave our sinful ways and start following His path of righteousness. Do you fear Him?

The answer can be found by analyzing how you live. Whether you are God conscious or self conscious all the time? If you are God conscious, you will have JESUS above your selfish ambitions and desires. You will consciously and carefully take sincere efforts to live a God pleasing life. Your thoughts and deeds will match together and will be aligned with the will of God.

If you fear Him, you can be rest assured that GOD's eyes are on you to watch your ways, to guide you, to provide for you and to protect you. Make God the first in your life by fearing Him more than other people and the world.

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