Thursday, April 19, 2012


(Psa 36:9) For You are the fountain of life, the light by which we see.

JESUS said "I am the life and resurrection". When we do wrong, when we sin against God, we lose His presence. Living in that state leads to spiritual dryness and eventually spiritual death. We may be normal, active and even very successful in our worldly life. But, deep inside, there will be emptiness. Even the purpose of being a child of God is lost and we will be living a machine like dead routine life.

Are you going through this kind of spiritual dryness? Are you dead inside but smiling and laughing outside? Are you living a life of guilt because of your past sinful life? Are you getting crushed by the thoughts of your past mistakes? Your secret sins can ruin your future if you don't come out of it immediately.

With no avenues to share, nobody to understand, are you keeping those painful moments within yourself? Are you struggling to come out of it with repeat attempts and equally failed in your tries? You might have taken so many resolutions not to repeat that the next time, but miserably failed when you went through that situation. Is this your condition?
Don't worry my friend. JESUS is capable and is willing to help you. He alone is powerful to bring in the transformation into your inner self. Seek Him. Humble yourself and ask for His grace. He is the fountain of Life. He can revive you and make you victorious again. Your past will no more trouble you and you can have a real smile looking into the future.  

Thursday, April 12, 2012


(Psa 35:7) I did them no wrong, but they laid a trap for me. I did them no wrong, but they dug a pit to catch me.

Many a times, we get into trouble while trying to help others. Despite our best efforts to help, encourage or support others, people may still mistake us, misunderstand our genuine intentions or question our motives. It is strange but true, that this world is looking at us with a critical mindset and a doubt filled eye or even worse.. Yes, filled with jealous or evil thoughts, this world may even go to the extend of trying to trap us into some problem or other, so that we are labelled as a criminal.

Hundred and one people may be readily available to criticize our good work, but hardly a few to encourage or appreciate us. No matter how hard we try to do good, we may always be caught on the wrong foot. Every good word may be misinterpreted into a wrong concept giving way to a huge problem in our family, with our spouse or within our peer group. There may be people always watching over us waiting for the opportunity to nail us down and tear us apart.
Is this your condition today? Are you broken because you are caught for no wrong of yours but unethically blamed as the culprit? Are you fearfully walking and extra cautious because of these kinds of people around resulting in too much of stress and strain? Are you facing crisis in your job or the workplace for no mistake of yours? Are you falling sick because of this extra pressure? Cry unto JESUS.

People may not understand you. But JESUS can. He went through similar situations. Take your eyes and focus away from the people and those problems, but fix it on to JESUS. Look at Him. He shall understand you, comfort you and even guide you to come out of this tough situation victoriously. He will make your head lifted up high in great honor. You will not be ashamed. Your enemies will run away in seven different routes. No weapon that is formed against you shall prosper. You shall be more than a conqueror. Cheer up. Be bold and strong. The LION of JUDEA (JESUS CHRIST) is with you.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


(Psa 34:22)The LORD redeems the life of His servants; none of those who take refuge in Him will be condemned.

The Lord is our everlasting redeemer. He is a rock of strength and a fort of refuge. All those who run unto Him will surely be saved. He is their protection and salvation. They will never be condemned. He is the only way to your eternal protection.

Are you troubled, Burdened and peace-less because of your sin-filled life? Come to JESUS. He will never reject you. Come with a open heart of repentance. Come with the expectation of new life. Believe in Him. He shall wash your past mistakes and shall give you a new life. He shall cover you with His robe of salvation. Your future is safe and secure in Him.

But it's your duty to stay in Him. Safety is not guaranteed if you go out of this refuge. If you continue to live waywardly, fulfilling your fleshy desires, you are in danger. Don't leave Him. If only you decide to crucify your fleshy thoughts and desires, to grow in Him, to live in His ways, you will be safe for ever. You will never be condemned.


(Psa 34:19)The righteous person faces many troubles, but the LORD comes to the rescue each time.

Are you reconsidering your stand for God? Are you feeling the pressure from people around against your righteous living? Are you getting into troubles and hardships because of your God pleasing principles in life? Don't worry. You are on the right track.

The righteous will face many troubles both from your closer circle as well as the strangers. But be strong and continue your righteous living. Don't give up. Because God Himself will come to your rescue each time. You are blessed. Your reward will be high in heaven.

Monday, April 9, 2012


(Psa 34:18) The LORD is close to the brokenhearted; He rescues those whose spirits are crushed.
Are you brokenhearted? Are you on the verge of giving up? Are you crying that there is nobody to comfort you and console you? Don't cry. The Lord is close to you. HE doesn't despise the broken spirit and doesn't ignore the broken hearted. He Himself was broken and bruised, He alone can fully understand your agony.
Don't keep on expecting help from fellow men / your known resources and get disappointed when they never turn up. Every human has their own limitations, inspite of their good heart and intentions to understand you or to help you. So keep looking at JESUS. He will rescue you and restore you. Cheer up. Your sorrow will turn into Joy.

Sunday, April 8, 2012


(Rom 4:25) He was handed over to die because of our sins, and He was raised to life to make us right with God.

God who delivered His Son JESUS to the cruel death of Cross, also raised Him from death to be seated on the right hand side of Him. Now Jesus is interceding for us constantly to make us right with Him.

Cross couldn't control Him!. Death couldn't defeat Him. The grave couldn't hold Him!. He broke the back of death and rose again triumphantly to live forever. He is the eternal King. The King of Glory. Lord of Lords. He is Alive. He is worthy of all our praises. He alone is worthy to be praised.

Are you grateful for what JESUS did for you on the cross? Are you right with God the Father? Have you received the new lease of Life which was given to you through JESUS? Are you committed to show the power of this resurrected JESUS in your life? Can others see this JESUS as a Messiah through your living?

Because of the resurrection of JESUS, you can

1. Boldly come to the throne of God to seek His grace and favour. You need not feel guilty about your past life. It was forgiven and forgotten. You are made new in Christ. You are special and have the direct access to God. Make use of it. Build your relationship with Him. Enjoy calling Him as ABBA FATHER with love. Cherish this new relationship and grow stronger in holiness.

2. Be transformed through the resurrected power of JESUS to be like Him. You can grow in righteousness and in Holiness like Him. You too can exercise the power and authority in Christ to take dominion over satan and sin. You are no longer bonded. You are set free. Be bold. Take your authority. Be more than a conqueror. Resist the devil. He will flee from you. Show the power of Christ in your Life to others.

Walk forth in Joy and march forward in life triumphantly. Our Saviour lives. He is not dead. He is alive.

Saturday, April 7, 2012


(Rom 5:8) Christ died for us while we were still sinners. This demonstrates God's love for us.
God demonstrated His love for us by giving the very best. His one and only begotten Son JESUS CHRIST. JESUS was spotless and holy. He was offered as a sacrifice for us. He was delivered to take the most cruel punishment of verbal and physical torture in the hands of mortal men and then crucified like a culprit in the company of two thieves.

The complete burden of SIN of the whole world was laid on HIM on the cross, in that, He went through the most agonizing time of separation from His Father. HE cried in pain "MY GOD, MY GOD, WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME?" Yes JESUS went through the real penalty of death, which is the wages of SIN, just for you and me so that we can enjoy the real freedom from the clutches of SIN.

This act of the greatest sacrifice shows how much GOD values you and me, that He took the extreme step of offering His Son as a ransom for our redemption. Dear child of God, you may be an ordinary person in this world. You may be weak and meek. But YOU ARE REALLY SPECIAL TO GOD.


Friday, April 6, 2012


(Rom 5:10) the death of His Son restored our relationship with God while we were still His enemies.

Sin separated man from the beautiful relationship and fellowship with God. But, things changed totally, when Christ offered Himself as the ransom for our sins. He paid the penalty of our sins by offering His blood on the cross and gaving His life for us. 

The gap between God and us was filled and JESUS became the middleman now working as a bridge for us to come to God boldly seeking His grace. Yes!, we are no longer enemies to God. If only you believe in this Jesus, you can start to enjoy the restored fellowship with the Father. Christ reconciled us with God through His sacrifice. What a privilege for us!

Don't condemn yourself for your sinful life or for the mistakes you did. JESUS was already condemned for you. Come to HIM. Repent and accept His forgiveness. Get washed by His blood. You will be renewed into a new person. You will never be the same again. GOD LOVES YOU.


(Psa 34:16) The face of the LORD is against those who do evil.

God favors the humble and the meek. He is the refuge to those who depend on Him. He approves the righteous life. He hates evil.

Evil can never coexist with good. God is good all the time. So evil doers can never live in the presence of God. Don't be a partaker with evildoers and earn the wrath of God.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


(Psa 34:15) The LORD's eyes are on righteous people. His ears hear their cry for help.

Are you upset because there is no one around to listen to your problems. Do you feel lonely and frustrated. Do you think that no one will ever be able to understand your plight?

Don't feel bad. God is watching over you. He may be silent. But He is certainly listening to your cries and silent tears. Continue to be right with God. He is your everlasting help in all times. He will surely help you. Don't loose hope.
(Psa 34:14) Turn away from evil and do good. Search for peace, and work to maintain it. 

JESUS promised His peace for us to be filled and to be a peacemaker.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


(Psa 34:12,13) Does anyone want to live a life that is long and prosperous? Then keep your tongue from speaking evil and your lips from telling lies!

YES. Be careful with what you speak. Words can never be taken back after it leaves your lips. God hates lies and liars are destined for hell.

It is God's wish that we all reach heaven to be with Him. Don't you want to be with the Lord? Then don't speak lies..