Tuesday, August 14, 2012


(Psa 52:7) Look what happens to mighty warriors who do not trust in God. They trust their wealth instead and grow more and more bold in their wickedness.

People who are strong, influential, wealthy, intellectual etc are regarded as highly successful in this world. Look at their life. They had grown from fame to glory, achieving pinnacles of success. But with the accumulation of wealth and name, most of them grow bold in their ways independent of God.

They don't feel the need for God, have no fear for God ending up in a state where they considering their work and wealth as God. To preserve their success they will move forward to any extend of wickedness.

But when you look back into the history, such kind of people had a very pitiable end either falling prey into their own wicked plots, sickness because of their evil lifestyle, enmity, getting caught in the hands of law etc.. They never had a peaceful end and were not sure of their eternity.

What is your case today? Look into the lives of such people and learn. Let us not do the same mistake of forsaking God. Let us learn to depend on Him only.

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