Tuesday, December 4, 2012


(Psa 66:13,14) I will come to Your temple with burnt offerings and fulfill my vows to You. Vows my lips promised and my mouth spoke when I was in trouble.

Many a times we forget what all we pray for. But God who listens to every prayer is faithful to answer our cries. But we seldom realise this. When we don't realise the blessings from God and particularly the connection between the blessings and our prayers, we don't even bother to give thanks to Him.

Be ye thankful says a word from the Bible. How often do you recollect the blessings of God and thank Him? Do you have the habit of making vows to God during times of trouble and other situations? How sincere are you in fulfilling your vows to Him? Are you faithful in testifying about God's faithfulness to others?

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