Wednesday, March 20, 2013


(Psa 69:7) For I endure insults for Your sake; humiliation is written all over my face.

Christian life is not easy. It is not a bed of roses. God expects us to be soft, patient, enduring and long suffering like JESUS, even during the moments of insults and humiliation. This is the toughest moment of our life.

Are you going through these kinds of situations? Are you fed up with life because of the people who are repeatedly humiliating you both in public and private? Are you crying "How long this will happen?"

Don't worry. Keep going looking at the face of Jesus. Every painful moment you endured as a child of God is recorded in Heaven. He who watches your agony will reward you and will lift you up before the eyes of others. He shall honour you and shall bless you more. Your sorrows will be turned into Joy.

He shall lift you up before the very eyes of those who humiliated you and shall keep you over those who insulted you. Just trust God alone. Don't look at the world, the people or the surroundings. Let your eyes be on JESUS.

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