Sunday, March 31, 2013


(1 Peter 1:3) Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to His great mercy, He has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

For the world, death may be the end. But the word of God says, physical death is the beginning of another life. Because Jesus died and then rose again to life, we have the greatest victory in life. 

Yes, we have a new living Hope in Christ through this resurrection. The hope of eternal life. Death was conquered by Christ on the Cross and its chains were broken by His resurrection.

Are you crying over the loss of your beloved ones? Are you afraid about death? Remember the empty tomb of Jesus. One day we all will be taken up to be with Him. The ones who are dead in Christ will get resurrected first and the Children of God who are alive will be following them at the voice of the trumpet to be transformed into heavenly beings. What a great HOPE we have!.

Don't cry. Let the pain of death drive you into a person of Godly purpose. Save as many souls as possible from the clutches of death and devil. Keep doing this greatest work for the mankind. Every soul counts.

As you celebrate the resurrection of Christ, get fired up for this great mission as a soul saver/soul winner for the Lord.

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