Friday, June 27, 2014



# I want to know Christ and
# experience the mighty power that raised Him from the dead.
# I want to suffer with Him,
# sharing in His death,
# so that one way or another I will experienced the resurrection from the dead! (Phil 3:10-11 NLT)

% Paul is sharing his inner desire
% the desire to know about Christ and experience the resurrection from the dead
% He is so desperate over this that he was even willing to suffer.
% because, He had the knowledge about eternal life and the way to have it.
% He understood the value of eternal life so much, that he could consider every other things of this world (education, status, relationship etc as secondary to that)
% He was not willing to be content with the knowledge of Christ, but wants to experience Him.
% Experience makes a man perfect.
% Bible knowledge alone is not sufficient. It should become your life experience.
% Let Christ become your daily experience in life.

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