Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Beware of the WICKED

(Pro 10:6,NLT) The godly are showered with blessings; the words of the wicked conceal violent intentions.

Beware of the wicked people.They may talk nicely. But their intentions are bad. Don't give company to them and share in their profits. Don't seek their help either. They may be proactive in coming to your help or to solve any problems with your colleagues, neighbors or foes. They might give big assurances for your protection and might  be a great motivation too.

Things may look fine and peaceful today. But their hidden intentions of violence will be seen only during conflicts and they show no mercy at that time. Violence will be re-paid by violence only. They will even turn against you and can go to the extent of doing physical harm in order to attain what they want. Don't play with danger.

Instead, stick to the Godly principles. God is the source of all your blessings and He alone can satisfy your needs. He can provide and protect you from all evil and shall also help you walk in righteousness. Instead of putting your trust on power, authority, wealth, status and other human beings, learn to put your trust in God. He is Omnipotent and nothing is impossible for Him. He will do the needful in the right time. 

If your ways are pleasing to Him, He'll be your guard and will shower you with blessings.

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