Friday, April 29, 2011

Life-giving Fountain

(Pro 10:11,NLT) The words of the godly are a life-giving fountain; the words of the wicked conceal violent intentions.

As a child of God you are so special. Every word of your mouth has power over life and death, because Jesus lives in you.

But the words of the wicked bring destruction, pain and agony. They are like sugar coated poison. Many who believed those words are still crying over their destruction. There is no life and are always aimed at bringing death or loss for selfish gains. Don't go along with the wicked for solving your crisis or earning wealth and profit. if you are partnering with the wicked, you will have life long pain.

Rather be a Godly person with Christ like qualities and let your words be full of grace, bringing life to the depressed and healing to the wounded. Being Godly may not give you all that you want, but will surely give you what you need in life. You will never lack the good in life according to God's plan and His riches. 

Be Blessed and be a Life-giving Fountain.

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