Friday, April 22, 2011


(Pro 10:2,NIrV) Riches that are gained by sinning aren't worth anything. But doing what is right saves you from death.

Riches that come out of God's blessings only will last long. Quick Money will fade off quickly. Riches and wealth accumulated through illegal ways or using evil methods will bring curse and pain with it. Instead of trying short-cuts to make quick money, rely on the Lord for understanding and guidance. 

Do your part and work hard with honesty. Jesus was doing good and what was right when He was living in this world. He had to go through the painful process of suffering and death on the Cross, yet He rose from the grave victoriously, overcoming death.  He is the all powerful God and the everlasting King. 

He'll surely bless you with the blessings of this world and will also save you from eternal death. So, live a righteous life by doing good. Don't give up your Godly principles and never compromise on the Biblical values, even if u have to face hardships in this world.  
Without CROSS, there is no CROWN


  1. Very true. I agree. Thanks for sharing the wisdom that God's been giving you. May God continue to use the gift, the talents, etc. for His glory. More power to your website and may it draw more people to Jesus.

  2. Tx and God bless you .. Continue to pray for us..
