Friday, January 11, 2013


(Psa 68:4) Sing praises to God and to His name! Sing loud praises to Him who rides the clouds. His name is the LORD--rejoice in His presence!

Praise Him! Praise Him in the morning, noontime and the evening goes a familiar chorus. Yes it is true that we need to keep on praising Him. He is mighty and He alone is worthy to be praised. Don't be a people praiser. Be a God pleaser. Don't give the place of God to any human being. Don't praise man more than God.
Be careful to give God the glory. The more you praise Him, the more His grace will be on you. He loves to enlighten you and to have fellowship with you. He wants to have a constant fellowship with you. Enjoy His presence and rejoice in Him all the time.

When He is with you and you with Him, you can move the mountains. You can be more than a conqueror. Praise Him! Praise Him! and Praise Him!

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