Tuesday, January 8, 2013


(Psa 20:3) May He remember all your sacrifices and accept your burnt offerings.

Giving out of abundance is different from giving sacrificially. That's why Jesus appreciated what the widow gave for the Lord. In spite of her insufficiency and the little she had for herself, she gave all that she could to the Lord. Also, she gave not to show off her offerings to the world. But, still Jesus saw her heart of sacrifice and acknowledged her good work.

What you give and how much you give is not important. Giving out of gratitude and a heart filled with thanks is more important than the quantity. Giving to the Lord even if it needs a sacrifice of your personal comforts, sacrificing some extra benefits etc...  will be valued more by God. He gave Himself as a sacrifice and He expects the same from us.

More than the materialistic offerings, giving yourself as a living sacrifice is more important and valuable in the sight of God. Honor thy God with your sacrificial and joyful offerings. Give. It will be given back to you.

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