Sunday, December 28, 2008

2009 - Year of God's Goodness

Dearly beloved in Christ,

We Wish you all a Wonderful & a Blessed New Year 2009 filled with God's goodness across the boundaries of your Life. {Psalms 65:11 says: You crown the year with your goodness, and richness overflows wherever you are.}

Are you sitting with crossed fingers not knowing how the New year will be? Are you shaken terribly because of the Global Economic Meltdown? Do not worry. Continue to trust God. He'll never let His children down. (Psalms 34:10 says: Young lions may go hungry or even starve, but if you trust the LORD, you will never miss out on anything good.)

In our life too, the whole of 2008 was full of ups & downs. we were always feeling the pinch & living through pressure because of the growing financial needs in the mission fields. Many a times I came to the verge of giving up the mission responsibilities. Financial burden, Unfaithfulness, dishonesty & misunderstanding among the coworkers, lack of support from the friends & peers in the time of pressing needs, spiritual oppression by the devil, unexpected hurdles & blocks in our way towards reaching the targets, Grown up debts etc.. demotivated us many a times in the past year..

But, in the midst of all these trials & troubles, we could experience the divine grace & mercy of God sustaining us throughout. God helped us all through the year till this very moment. He was so merciful unto us enabling us to learn from our mistakes and to keep moving accordingly. . He protected us thus far and He met our personal needs also, in a wonderful way. He gave good education to both our daughters, expanded the mission boundaries, enabled me to travel across India ministering towards His kingdom building works, gave a good harvest in all the meetings I ministered.. What a great God we have...

He enabled us
  • to reach out to more than 6000 children through VBS,
  • to help 1000 children daily in their education through Children's Club,
  • to feed 150 widows regularly & comfort them,
  • to impart livelihood skill development trainings to more than 500 women & youth,
  • to reach out to more than 7000 families personally with His word through good works and a customised magazine,
  • to communicate His Word by SMS, email, TV programs & other print materials,
  • to reach out to the 6300 students & 400 faculty members of Karunya University through sustained & modular programs.
When we look at these things, the troubles we went through actually fade from our memories. All Glory to God and thanks a million to all who supported us by their prayers & sacrificial giving.

My Precious friend I am writing this just to Glorify God & to encourage you. He who has started the Good work in you is faithful to complete it. He is ever dependable & He'll never let you down.

The Only criteria to enjoy His protection & provision is to keep on Trusting Him, Obey His guidance & follow Him faithfully
. I am sure you will take our experience as a lesson to your personal life too..

The upcoming days may be troublesome & turmoiled. But if YOU stick on closely with GOD, He'll take care of you & your family. He'll provide you to meet all your needs both in the family & career. He'll bless you with all HIS GOODNESS.
Your Life will be filled with JOY & HAPPINESS. May your life overflow with His PEACE & May God protect you & your family by keeping under His wings.

Please write back, if this message is a blessing & also share your problems with us freely. We'll also join you in intercession.


Anesh & fly,
