My Story

This is my story, this is my song;
Praising my saviour all the day long!.....

A brief note on:  How I came into Full-time Ministry!....

  • Anesh is non-denominational in his outlook. He loved the Lord since his childhood  days and was involved in various ministry activities.
  • Through a very difficult phase of Sickness & excruciating Pain, God allowed Anesh to witness His greatness, Mercy, Love & the power of miraculous healing. (Three different specialists advised Surgery as the only solution. But Jesus healed him in a miraculous way)
  • Passing through this phase of tears and sickness and in sick bed for more than six months, Anesh understood the Higher Calling in His life.
  • In the year 2000, January 26th God gave the wordsThe Hope” in a vision to Bro.Anesh, when he was attending a fasting prayer in a church.
  • As days went by, the Spirit of God was continuously reminding him of the vision and the task of working for the unity of the church thereby to proclaim the fact that, “JESUS is the only Hope for this Nation", for a transformed India.
  • God was constantly working in his heart regarding the heavenly vision, finally guiding him to register a charitable trust by name "The Hope Universal Trust" (The HUT) in April ' 2001.
  • With the elevation as CTO in the company he was working, he slipped down in his relationship with the Lord, as he became a workaholic.
  • He started earning more than Rs.30,000/- per month and he thought that his life was settled. That was the time that the Lord intervened in His life again. This time making him go through an agonizing experience.
  • Too much of work [focus/ dedication/ exertion]  towards his selfish career fulfillment showed its ugly face in the form of Severe Back problem forcing him to quit his dream Job.
  • After a brief period of rest, when he tried to re-launch his career with his friends, his back problem got worse with disk-prolapse, making him bed ridden for more than 6 months, which left him totally shattered.
  • God used this period of depression, pain, disappointment & frustration to show him the purpose and meaning of this life.
  • By January 2002 he was feeling better and with a half-hearted surrender, he started involving in doing God's work again.
  • By February 2002 God blessed him with a sweet little daughter Andrea Anesh.
  • With his unquenchable thirst for a financially independent lifestyle, he restarted his career as a financial consultant with the IRDA license to sell Insurance products through ICICI Prudential..
  • But the Lord who is faithful and also meticulous in His ways of executing His plans, guided Anesh towards Total Surrender of his Life to God through another intense workshop of pain & disappointment between July and September ' 2002..
  • Finally, Anesh reconfirmed that God's plan in His Life is totally different from that of his own ideas and totally dedicated himself towards fulfilling God's purpose in his life

Thus formed the ministry by name “The Hope Mission” in Sept. 2002.

  • Since then, Anesh is serving the Lord full-time and is carrying the message of The Cross, the only source of Hope and Eternity in Open air Crusades, Workshops, Leadership Seminars and any other possible ways to people across the Land.
  • He is also a volunteer as Prayer Warrior and Counsellor in the Jesus Calls, Prayer Tower, Chennai and was a faculty in the Institute of Power Ministry.
  • The rich experience he gained through the Institute of Power Ministry, as a participant, volunteer and faculty helped him a lot in ministering to people from different walks of Life more effectively.
  • Off late, Anesh is experiencing a special grace in the areas of Teaching, Empowering & Mentoring leading to transformed Lives, Young & Old receiving the Holy Spirit and His Gifts, People getting rooted in the word of God and walking as His Disciples.

Discipleship, Purpose of Anointing, Practical Christian Living & Christian Leadership are the favourite domain of Anesh in the Mission Life