Tuesday, July 21, 2015


Proverbs 18:21
The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.

📛 The tongue is a very powerful organ
📛 Words and constant confessions often become true.........not coz of 'fate' or a 'black tongue'!
📛 But the Bible says... that's the power of the tongue!
📛 Today the Word of God reminds us that we must be very careful in using our words
📛 Don't keep 'hoping' for something bad to happen. Don't keep 'imagining' and saying something bad might happen. Don't build free castles for the devil to dwell
📛 Believe that God is in control and confess positive. Be a fort of praise
📛 When you have fears or anxiety, confess the Word of God. You can see the strongholds of satan crashing down
📛 Speak positive into your life. Speak life into others. God has given you authority.... Use your tongue as a channel of God's blessing

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