My Mission

Details on the Mission works I am involved in..
  • Founder Secretary of "The GUIDE" a registered Charitable Society since the year 2000 and was its Executive Director. He has worked in Community Development Projects in Thiruvallur & Chennai Districts.
  • Founding partner & President of "The HUT" a registered Charitable Trust since 2001.
  • These two organisations helped him to use tools like Education, Medical Help, Feeding the Poor, Caring the Widows and Destitute and Women Self Help Groups for Poverty Alleviation to demonstrate the Love of Jesus Christ to the poor and needy.
  • Women Self Help Groups: This movement has enabled us to go into the villages, forge relationships with the communities, exhibit the Godly love through our actions like poverty alleviation programs, Tsunami Relief, Child care, Flood Relief, Credit Linkages etc. We are taking care of around 500 SHGs now.
  • Through The Hope Mission, Anesh & his co-workers are working in 400 villages of Thiruvallur District.
  • So far, they have Established 7 Mission Churches, organised 10 House Churches, Medical Clinic in Pulicat and an Orphanage in Mullaivoyal, Chennai.
  • Reaching the Children through Evening Schools. The project name is called “Ethirkaalam”.
  • Reaching the Widows, Destitute and Orphaned Old Couples through a programme called “Widows Welfare”. We were supporting around 120 widows regularly by providing them Food, provisions & medicines according to their need and were working regularly with them to share the Good News. We need atleast Rs.12,000/- per month to sustain this program.
  • Currently developing a new facet in the ministry – through TV, Internet and SMS.

His passion is to reach the Nations with the Gospel of Jesus as 
the Way, Hope, Truth and Life  
and to make Disciples for Jesus Christ.

Some of the key activities we did in the last couple of years in particular..

  • VBS / Summer Camps in 40 villages (2006 & 2007) – 4330 children participated and were given gifts & bible verses apart from conducting the program.
  • In 2008 more than 6000 children participated in almost 100 villages with the help of 50 teams. We gave more than 10,000 Notebooks as gifts to these children.
  • As a VBS follow-up, we organized 1000 poor children into Children’s Club named “Budding Lights” and conducted free Tuitions, distributed Notebooks and writing kits (pencil boxes & geometry boxes).
  • Established Skill Development Training Centres in five places and trained more than 800 youths (Boys & Girls) in Computer Training with Tally, more than 500 poor women in Tailoring & Embroidery etc.
  • Good News through the Holistic programs among 7000 families from 400 villages (SHGs). Printed a quarterly magazine with Local content called “Nambikkai” and were sharing the Gospel to these people.

Other Responsibilities..

  • Anesh was also holding the key responsibility of Communication in the Karunya Alumni Prayer Fellowship Network and is working towards God's Empowerment in the life of every Karunya Alumni.
  • In Karunya as the Head of Campus Ministries through the Dept. Value Education, Anesh was instrumental in organizing the IOPM (Karunya). More than 3000 students & staffs participated and were blessed. Other Major Activities/Events organized in Karunya...
                       #  Special Blessings Meetings & Fasting Prayers
                       #  Annual Thanksgiving Prayer & Christmas Megaplay 2008 & 2009
                       #  Students & Staff Retreats
                       #  First Media Publication through DoVE “MAHALSNEHAM” an Audio CD
                       #  Praise & Prayer weeks
                       #  12 Hrs – Non-Stop Praise, Worship & Prayer programs
                       #  KIDS Ministry
                       #  Teens Ministry
                       #  Bible Studies, Workshops & Anointing Prayers
                       #  Individual Counselling & Prayers
                       #  Prayer Cells & Sunday Services etc..