Tuesday, June 24, 2014



# Whatever happens, my dear brothers and sisters,
# rejoice in the Lord.
# I never get tired of telling you these things, and
# I do it to safeguard your faith.
(Phil 3:1 NLT)

* This worldly life is a journey of ups and downs.
* We cannot escape the situations of dejection, defeats, disappointments, disapprovals etc..at some point or other.
* These situations can happen in our life, either because of our own mistakes or because of others.
* Whatever be the reason, our life cannot become dormant, but has to keep going.
* If Jesus is your Lord n God,  remember to commit all your situations and keep going.
* Jesus doesn't allow any such situations without reasons.
* He knows the best and will only give the best.
* Believing this,  just thank Him in faith and learn to Rejoice all the time.
* Not easy.. But, accepting the reality of life, learn to rejoice in all situations.
* God can change every situation for your good.

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