Friday, June 12, 2009

Secret for Success

(1Co 3:7)The one who plants & the one who waters really do not matter.It is God who matters, because He makes the plant grow.

(Do your part sincerely. But depend on God for success. For Success comes from Him)

Some people will never work.. They are lazy. But in the last moment they will pray asking God for success. When they fail, they try to put the blame on God.. Are you like this group?

God doesn't like Lazy people. Rather He likes to bless the sincere & hard working

Another group of people : They work hard really. They are intellectuals. But they always depend on their knowledge, their own wisdom and influence. But when failure comes, they really get depressed...

But the Bible teaches about the ideal way. That is we should do our work correctly and depend on God for Success. Don't lean on your own understanding. Rather learn to live a life of leaning on to God always. You will be successful.

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