Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Harvest is plenty

(Mat 9:37)  Then He said to His disciples, The harvest is vast, but the workers are few.

These are the last days...Lord Jesus will come at any moment both to redeem His children and to judge the ungodly.. Knowing this, the devil is working overtime deceiving the people and leading them astray from God. 

% This world has become too fast and the people too busy.. 
% The culture is changing rapidly and becoming a self-centred community.
% The people are working hard with selfish motives and desires not having any time to spare for others...

We are too busy not even having the smallest degree of kindness to take care of someone who is lying destitute on the roadside...bus shelter...street corner.. 
or atleast a small act of kindness of informing the concerned people or authorities...
On seeing such kind of people, immediately the thought that strikes our mind is that somebody else will take care..

Too much of work pressure due to competition, urge to perform well above others, 
for the early promotion and increment etc.. 
Working extra time to earn extra money, to meet the growing demands and needs of satisfying the personal greed of accumulating wealth, more than what we need, under the pretext of social security, not only for us but also for our future generations...

The Net outcome is 
  • Self centered life;
  • Sickness at a very early stage of life;
  • New & more life threatening diseases;
  • Stress and Strain in the family;
  • Broken marriages & shattered homes;
  • Degrading moral values amoung the children etc...

leading to chaos in the day to day life.. 
                             there is no peace at home..
                                                 decreasing Social Harmony & insecure future. 

Bible clearly says: My people perish due to lack of knowledge....
          Yes! The world has ignored the founding principles of God's creation...
                                                   the simple basics of Life, blindfolded by the devil


God is searching for Faithful disciples, who will rise up at this moment of need & crisis heading the Master's Call;

  • to carry the truth;
  • open the eyes of understanding;
  • delivering the people from the clutches of darkness;
  • Setting the captives free;
  • Liberating them into eternal freedom and a future full of Hope in Christ Jesus..

 A very big harvest..but workers are few...
Yes! There is a huge need...Are you too busy for God? 
He is asking, "whom shall I send?.. Who will go on our behalf?"

Will you be that person?.. 

Heaven is calling for you & for me!..

What will be your response?

1 comment:

  1. Joy is an acronym, J-esus, O-thers, Y-ou. And so, life is all about God. Jesus should be number one in our lives. He said seek thee first and everything follows. He said, if we do unto others, we do it for Him. And (You) we, we are created in His image and He wants us to be godly, to be like Him. And that, He wants us to enjoy life, living not only for ourselves but for Him and others.

    I pray that we find joy in serving others, for sharing God's love, the good news, thus giving God all the glory.
