Monday, October 18, 2010

Faith in Jesus can change ur situations

(Mat 9:22) Jesus turned around &; when He saw her He said, Daughter,be encouraged! Your faith has made you well. And the woman was healed at that moment.

Faith is the key  to please God ; to receive His blessings. YES! without faith no one can please God. He values even ur little faith more than the material offerings. It's all about Trust. Faith in God brings favour,grace &; mercy from Him. Looking beyond situations, learn to trust Him like a Child.

Our Hard work, efforts, knowledge, perseverance is all required for success. But, it's the FAITH that'll bring in the change.

Faith moves the throne of God..It quickens the heart of God to act.. When God acknowledges our Faith, the answer comes!..

If you carefully look at the above mentioned verse, when JESUS acknowledged her faith, she was healed at that very moment.. 

Are you telling that you have been trusting Him for a long time and yet there seems to be no answer to your prayers?.. or there has been no change in your situations?..Don't loose heart.. sometimes there may be a delay. But remember this 'DELAY is not DENIAL"

At the right time, He will act.. Till then don't loose your faith.. Keep trusting HIM. He expects us to have faith in HIM.. He'll surely deliver you.. 
Your faith will change your situations for sure.. 
                                                      But, let that faith be on Jesus!..

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