Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Analyse Your Words.

(Pro 10:31-32,NLT)The mouth of the godly person gives wise advice... and helpful words.

R u a child of God? R u a Godly person? How do u check? One of the things in the check list is to analyse the words of ur mouth.Do u appreciate others? Do u speak the truth? Does your words motivate and help others to come up in life? Does your words bring healing and nourishment to the weak in  faith? If not yes, mend ur ways and continue to live a Godly life.


  1. Yes, I am a child of God. Everyone should declare who really are in Christ (well, those only who receive Jesus as their personal savior and that truly with a relationship with Him {not religion}). But for us to be sure of who we are in Christ, we should know first who God is.

    I believe there's power in our words. It may give or take life. And with the help of the Holy Spirit, and in Jesus' name, I pray that the words that will come our mouth will always be pleasing in God's ear. Words that gives life, uplift soul, encourage, cheer others...

    Thanks, Mr. Anesh.
