Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Sweet to the Soul

(Pro 13:19,GW) A fulfilled desire is sweet to the soul,

Waiting so long to see wishes and dreams fulfilled is disgusting and throws dryness into our life. Long wait takes away the motivation and the positive drive to move forward. It is a test for our patience, time of temptation to get into shortcuts and unethical ways. 

When we loose our patience to wait for the answer or solution or a job appointment, we tend to go behind people of influence, try some shortcuts in the bureaucracy willing to bribe for getting the favour etc. This is not right before God. But we become part of this knowingly or unknowingly due to our restlessness and impatience. Though we pray for these needs on a day to day basis, still we are not willing to commit them and our ways fully to God and wait for HIM. 
At the same time, reality of this world is so different. Because of corruption, it is very difficult to get things done without bribing. When we refuse to bribe, we may have to suffer undue delay, injustice and hardship. Yet, we shouldn't forget the fact, that our heavenly father knows about these situations and He is a just Judge. He is All Powerful. Say NO to Corruption. If everybody takes this step, our country can be free from this social menace.

So, Learn to WAIT on the LORD and allow HIM to act. He knows what you need and when to give. He'll be on time always. When He gives, it will be a blessing and will be sweet to your soul.

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