Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Flattering Words

(Psa 5:9,GNB) What my enemies say can never be trusted; they only want to destroy. Their words are flattering and smooth, but full of deadly deceit.

Flattering is nothing but lie, like honey coated, smooth,attractive and deceiving words, that can make people forget the facts. Don't be a victim of flattering words. People with flattering words are liars who speak against the truth and speak for personal benefits or simply for time pass. Run away from it.

God's Holy House

(Psa 5:7,CEV) Because of Your great mercy, I come to Your house, LORD

People of different faith built altars and temples of different size and magnitude to show their faith and might. But the uniqueness of God's house is His Holy presence. Though it is open for anyone and everyone, still we shouldn't take the right to step into His house for granted. It is a privilege. It is purely by His Mercy, we get to enter His house and that to worship HIM. Don't misuse it.

JESUS: The Way

(Psa 5:8,NLT) Lead me in the right path, O LORD, or my enemies will conquer me. Make Your way plain for me to follow.

When we follow God's ways and walk in His paths, His presence will be with us, protecting us. This Godly protection is not guaranteed when we go astray.Are you confident of your walk and ways in following the Saviour? If not ask Him daily. Don't deviate or compromise. Be clear of His ways and ensure that you walk in it daily to stay protected.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

JESUS: The Truth

(Psa 5:6,NIrV)You destroy those who tell lies. LORD, You hate murderers and those who cheat others.

JESUS is the truth. Anything that contradicts Him and His teaching is a lie. Anyone who stands by a lie is a liar. Denial by word and denial in action both goes together. So let's be careful with our words as well as action. God hates liars and will destroy them. Don't compromise when it comes to speaking and standing for truth. Live a truthful Life.

Pride Comes Before Fall

(Psa 5:5,NLT) Therefore, the proud may not stand in Your presence,

Lucifer was banished from the presence of God and was thrown down because of his pride. Today he is gathering people of this world to his side by tempting them into pride and arrogancy.Beware of this trick of the devil. He may try to induce pride into your heart by using praising words, success etc. But be careful to credit all the glory to GOD alone and remain humble. Only then u can be with GOD.

Earnest Prayers.

(Psa 5:3,NLT) Each morning I bring my requests to You and wait expectantly.

Empty attractive words and name sake prayers are of no use. People may appreciate it and you may be satisfied. But God won't be interested in it. Prayer is communicating with God and should come from within your heart. You should mean every word that u speak. Only then you will remember what you had asked for and also you will have the expectation to receive the answer. God will never despise such prayers.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Meeting GOD Early in the Morning

(Psa 5:3,GNB) U hear my voice in the morning; at sunrise I offer my prayer & wait for Ur answer.

We'll be fresh, focused, receptive & is the best time in a persons life. Do u have the habit of meeting God early in the morning before starting with ur daily chores for the day? Give this best time to God to get filled with His presence & His word. This will strengthen ur soul & gives the confidence to handle ur worldly responsibilities successfully.

While Seeking Help from God...

(Psa 5:2,GW)Pay attention to my cry for help, my King and my God, because I pray only to U.

When it comes to praying and seeking help, how much faithful are you trusting in God? Does ur faith get altered based on situations? Do u have a backup plan in seeking help from others in addition to seeking help from God? Don't be double minded. Either put ur full trust in God alone and pray to HIM or go behind wordly help. Those who trust HIM fully will never be ashamed.

Friday, August 19, 2011

GOD Cares for U

(Psa 5:1,NLT)O LORD, hear me as I pray;pay attention to my groaning.

God not only listens to ur words bt also knows ur meditation & innermost thoughts. He is aware of ur sighs & groaning. David excercised his freedom with God as HIS beloved child asking HIM to even consider the groaning.How is ur relationship with God? R u intimate with HIM? Be free with ur Savior, excercise ur unique relationship with HIM & enjoy His Love. Prioritise to be His beloved.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Safe Refuge

(Psa 4:8,GNB) When I lie down, I go to sleep in peace; you alone, O LORD, keep me perfectly safe.

So called foolproof surveillance systems of this world can fail. Bt God will not fail. He is the refuge & fortress for His children. R u going thru sleepless nights coz of stress & strain, worried about the safety & continous security of ur wealth, afraid of hidden threats & wicked people around? Leave ur worries to God. Trust Him.He'll keep u safe & secure.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Real Joy Giver

(Psa 4:7, NLT) You have given me greater joy than those who have abundant harvests of grain and new wine.

Grain and new wine won't give you peace & joy. Don't be deceived that being wealthy & well-known is the secret of having peaceful & joyful life. Real source of joy & peace is JESUS Himself. His peace is all understanding and no one can earn it. It is graciously given out of love. Being humble & depending on Him for everything is the way to get it.

Cheerful Giver...

(Psa 4:5,NLT)Offer sacrifices in the right spirit & trust the LORD.

When we bring offering or sacrifices, people may see the quantity & it's value.But God looks at our attitude & heart's intention before accepting it.Sacrifices becomes irrelevant if they are not acceptable to God, irrespective of it's value.Don't offer sacrifices:

1.for name sake, prove ur status, show off & bargain with God.
Instead give offering or sacrifice out of true love.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Anger control.

(Psa 4:4, NLT) Don't sin by letting anger control u. 

Christ died for us so that we can be free from all addictions and bondage. But still most of us are under the bondage of anger. It shows it's ugly face now & then triggering us to lose our patience by making us use abusive & filthy words or get into violence. This is sin. R u struggling in this area? Don't allow anger to control u. Commit ur weakness to God & let Him rule over u. Be a person of divine peace.

Friday, August 12, 2011

God's Own...

(Psa 4:3,HCSB) Know that the LORD has set apart the faithful for Himself;

The faithful followers of Jesus Christ are really really special. Coz, they are set apart by God for Himself. He calls them His own. They are privileged & are blessed. If you are a Child of God washed by the precious blood of Jesus & are made Holy & acceptable by His righteousness, you too can be a part of this elite group. How faithful are you in following the footsteps of Jesus?

Thursday, August 4, 2011

God's protection

(Psa 1:6,CEV) The LORD protects everyone who follows Him, 

Are you a Child of God? Then rejoice and be cheerful. God Himself watches over your ways to protect you. He knows every step you take, every thought you think and every decisions you make. As long as you do His will, you stay under His protection. He will not leave you alone nor let you down. He shall cover you under His wings. Keep going. He is your refuge. Be bold and strong. But be careful to follow Him.

Blessings of those who find joy in obeying the Law of the LORD

(Psa 1:2-3, GNB) Blessings of those who find joy in obeying the Law of the LORD and those who study it day and night:

  1. They are like trees that grow beside a stream,   
  2. That bear fruit at the right time, and 
  3. Whose leaves do not dry up. 
  4. They succeed in everything they do. 

With out God's favour and approval, hard work alone will not bring success. Start reading and meditating His word with hard work. You will have the grace and favour to succeed in everything you do.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Godly Principles

(Psa 1:1,NIV) Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers.

Don't compromise on these Godly principles. Your life is very important and precious to God. You are called and separated to reflect God's qualities into this wicked world. It may not be easy to live without defiling yourself with these worldly people. Yet it is worth the struggle because you will be blessed by God before them.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Do u love your Children?

(Pro 13:24,CEV) If you love your children, you will correct them; if you don't love them, you won't correct them.

Correction happens out of genuine Love. If you really love your children, you can never keep quiet or tolerate your children's mistakes or enjoy it as fun. Instead you will swing into action of correcting them immediately. Discipline is important for safely reaching the destiny. Don't compromise. Teach them and discipline them. They'll be your crown.