Saturday, October 27, 2012


(Psa 65:3) Various sins overwhelm me. You are the one who forgives our rebellious acts.

Are you reeling under guilt feeling because of your past sins and mistakes? Are you feeling bad about coming to Jesus in Prayer and to even talk about your sins? Are you keeping quiet and covering up things before God? God forgives our sins and mistakes. He loves you and can understand your situations and feelings. Don't give room to guilt.

Come to Him with an open heart and mind. Come to Him just as you are. No matter what sort of situation you are in, come to Him boldly. He is the only one Who can forgive your sins and  transform your life.

Thursday, October 18, 2012


(Psa 63:7) You have been my help. In the shadow of Your wings, I sing joyfully.

Singing praises comes out of a free mind. When you are filled with Joy, when you are happy, when you are free from worries, when you are sure that all things are taken care, when there's somebody to manage everything for you and you are given the freedom to enjoy life, your minds starts singing on its own.

But is it possible in our life? Can that be a reality in this busy world? ACTUALLY YES!. It is possible. That's what the Word of God says. Cast all your worries unto the Lord for He cares for you. But unfortunately, we are very weak in faith and we don't or we are not willing to trust Him fully. We are always anxious and tensed.

Try to be free and joyful by casting all your worries unto Jesus. The Lord is our help. He will counsel us, guide us in every step, lead us and will also coordinate things for us. All that we need to do is follow His instructions faithfully. Take some time to be with the Lord every day. Are you ready for this?

Then you can sing joyfully in the shadow of His wings because He will be covering you with His wings and shall protect you and provide you with all that you need.

Saturday, October 6, 2012


(Psa 62:7) My salvation is in God, and God is my honor, my foundation, my helper and my hope.

God is the ultimate resource for all your needs. He is all powerful and is present everywhere. There is nothing impossible for God. Learn to depend on Him for all your needs.

He will never disappoint you. He will never let you down. He is ever dependable and is the only one who can understand you all the time and all your feelings. Is HE your ALL in ALL?

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


(Psa 61:5) For You have heard my vows, O God. You have given me an inheritance reserved for those who fear Your name.

As a child of God you are very very special to Him. Born again in spirit, through the blood of Jesus, the greatest sacrifice, you are transformed from the status of SLAVE to be an INHERITOR. Yes, In Christ, God has given the promised inheritance of eternal life in Glory, to be with Him forever.
What more can we ask for. Unworthy we were, yet because of God's love, you are a chosen generation in Christ. So, be Joyful. Fear Him and live a holy life. Prepare yourself to meet your God and to inherit the eternal blessings. You are precious to Him.


(Isa 41:14) Fear not, you worm Jacob and you men of Israel; I will help you, says the LORD, and your redeemer, the Holy One of Israel.

Don't be afraid about anything or anybody. Trust in the Lord. No matter how terrifying your enemies are, keep trusting God alone. He is all powerful. He is almighty. He will come to your help. He is your redeemer. He will walk before you and shall set the crooked paths straight. Cheer up. Your Redeemer lives