Wednesday, January 23, 2013


(Psa 68:7) O God, when You went in front of Your people, when You marched through the desert...

Yes our God goes before us. He sets the benchmark of living and is the perfect role-model for us to follow. He is loving and caring. He never lets His children down.

Are you troubled in your heart? Don't go by feelings. But go by faith. Even if you are going through a dry patch in life, yet don't lose heart. He is still with you and will walk with you through this dry patch. He takes care of you and moulds you for a better future. Sometimes, you are allowed to walk through this dry patch for edification and you are pruned for more yields in life.

HE GOES BEFORE YOU. Do not worry about your future. Everything is taken care of by Him. You just need to trust HIM and move forward boldly.

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