Friday, March 15, 2013


(Pro 21:23) Watch your tongue and keep your mouth shut,and you will stay out of trouble.

Venting our emotions by putting them into words may be the easiest way to handle it but, it is the most unproductive, useless and dangerous one. Sometimes we hurt our near and dear ones by letting our anger, hurt or regret talk. Wounds caused by words take the longest to heal and the scars left by them are the deepest and difficult to erase from memory. Many a times loose words let out in fun can also have a devastating effect destroying precious relationships. Do not let your emotions control your tongue.

Instead of talking to people when you are down, the best way is to talk to God. Take everything that is weighing you down to Him in prayer. Surrender it to Him and let Him calm you. In moments like this, we may have to follow the famous saying "SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND KEEP QUIET". Yes, we should learn to close our mouth to the people but open our heart to JESUS.

Guard your mouth!! What kind of words do you speak every day? Do your words build others or crush them down? Does it comfort others or agitate and frustrates them? Just because you are having a bad day does not mean others should also have a horrible day. Have you surrendered your tongue to the Lord???

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