Monday, May 20, 2013


 (Exodus14:14)The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”

Are you stranded because of the oppressions from your enemies? Are you feeling trapped by the snares of the enemy and do you feel locked on all sides? Are you wondering where God is at this moment of despair and what is He doing, instead of coming to your rescue? Are you feeling bugged up, that the enemies are having a laugh at you, while you are reeling under the pain of their afflictions, wounds and hurts?
This is a temporary phase, the Lord has allowed in your life. Don't lose heart or give up. He is listening to your cry and will fight the battle for you. You are not alone. Just hold on to your faith in Him. Don't retaliate. Instead, surrender everything in the hands of God and BE STILL.

The battle belongs to the Lord and the Victory is yours. He will turn your mourning into dancing.