Friday, October 18, 2013


So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. 

And because you belong to Him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death. (Romans 8:1-2 NLT)

As a child of God you are freed from the clutches of SIN. Don't allow guilt to spoil the God given peace. Don't listen to the lies of the devil and get carried away from the presence of God. Be of good Cheer! You belong to Jesus Christ.

Monday, October 14, 2013


I consider that what we suffer at this present time cannot be compared at all with the glory that is going to be revealed to us. (Romans 8:18 GNT)

# Are you going through trials and tempting moments leading to repeat failures in life? 

# Are you getting bugged up because of the oppressions, in spite of being good to others? 

# Are you worked out beyond your capacity and yet cornered by others?

# Are you thinking, "What is the use in being a faithful Christian following the Godly principles?

Don't give up. This world may be dominated by evil minded wicked people. But then, this is not a permanent place for anyone. All that we see in this world will fade away. But God has promised a new world filled with His glory. That is our dwelling place forever. That cannot be compared with anything of this world

It's just a matter of time. This glory will be revealed when, Jesus Christ comes back to take His redeemed to be with Him! Till then, don't compromise, even if u have to suffer for the truth.