Friday, December 16, 2011


(Psa 22:23) You that fear the LORD, praise Him; all you the seed of Jacob, glorify Him; and fear Him, all you the seed of Israel.

You are chosen by God to be His own even before you were formed in your mother's womb. Even when we were sinners, He gave His life for us and showed what real love is. He has paid a price for us to make us His own possession. 

He deserves our praises of thanksgiving for His great sacrificial love for us..

He is holy and He wants us to be Holy too. Without Holiness we cannot see God even if we are chosen. The more we grow closer to Him, the more we will be transformed to be like Him. He is holiness personified and is the only one who is worthy of glory.

God is a righteous God and He never compromises with sin. One side He is loving but the other side He is a fearful God, all powerful and righteous. He loves the sinners but hates sin. He should be feared the most.

So PRAISE HIM, GLORIFY HIM and FEAR HIM. It will keep you away from sin and draw you more closer to Him...