Wednesday, February 8, 2012


(Psa 28:8) The Lord is the strength of His people and the protector of the salvation of His anointed.

JESUS is our Saviour. He saved us from eternal condemnation by offering Himself as a sacrifice and paid the price of salvation in full. Because of His sacrifice, we are saved now. So, Salvation is the outcome/result of our personal encounter with Him.

But, then Salvation is not the end. The experience of Salvation is just a beginning. A new beginning. This should be preserved till the very end of one's life to enter into Heaven. Sustaining our experience of salvation on a day to day basis is a difficult thing because our enemy is prowling like a lion ready to devour us. 

But the good news is JESUS has promised us that He will never leave us alone. He will be with us all the time. He has anointed us with the Holy Spirit to help us grow in His holiness, to walk in His ways and to live a God pleasing life. Only He can protect us from the snares of the devil. All these things will be a reality, if only we decide to listen to His voice and obey His instructions. 

This basic step of obedience will come only when you realise the fact that with out His grace and mercy, we cannot survive in this world. This sense of absolute dependency on God is a must. Don't be overconfident. Depend on God's mercy and grace to remain protected till the end. He is the protector of your salvation.

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